More Readers’ Spanking Photos

Earlier this year AM and JA were good enough to allow us to feature some of their own spanking photos on the Janus website. (You can find that original post here.) We’re grateful to them for once again sending us some fantastic images from their collection. AM explains:

‘I was looking through some of the early videos we did, and although I cannot send you an entire video, I thought I might try a couple of stills, alongside some more recent shots. In a smaller format they are not too bad, again, viewers will have to remember theses were filmed some time ago now. I have also been trying to get my other half to write a bit about our spanking relationship from her point of view, which might be interesting.’

It goes without saying we would love to hear from JA about her experiences on the receiving end!

Thanks to AM and JA for sending in these photos. If you have any suitable spanking photos you’d like to appear on this site then why not drop us a line at 


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