This is a digital edition of Janus 76. SENSUOUS PT&P – JANUS 76
Andrea White walked into the room he had directed her to, and stared about. There was absolutely no furniture. Hanging on one of the otherwise bare pink walls was the PT outfit, also in pink, which he had asked her to put on. An odd-looking object was hanging up with the kit, a bit like a leather fly swatter. Was this place plagued by flies in summer she wondered?
No matter! One thing she had learned about her instructor was that he expected a girl to use her intelligence, and be quick about whatever she did. Hastily, then Andrea removed her day clothes and got into the pink top and skirt, and the rather surprising white regulation style knickers of a type she had not worn for years.
Mr Glenister had said he would be with her in a moment. Was she right to have come down here this evening to his private gym? Andrea glanced down at herself. The skirt was really rather short, and she didn’t feel it was quite polite to show her knickers – but she hoped he would think she looked nice in the outfit, and not be too cross…
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