This is a digital edition of Janus 139.
This issue has always been popular with collectors as it features the lovely Tara Duncan on the cover bending over for the cane. Hidden away inside, the second photo fantasy ‘In at the Deep End’ introduces us to the very shapely swimmer Natasha Bly.
Also in Janus 139 is an ‘Encore Janus’ feature on ‘Punishment Ballet’ from Janus 22. Seven pages of photos are included (with some previously unseen images) making it an essential purchase for fans of the original photo shoot.
File Size: 65 MB
After you purchase the product you will be sent an email containing a link to the digital product. This will link to a zip file containing the original Cover Artwork and the magazine in PDF format.
This is a scanned magazine to view of 4 page free sampler please click HERE