This is a digital edition of Janus 72. FOREPLAY – JANUS 72
‘Trust me,’ he said, but his eyes betrayed a glint of mischief. Was it just my imagination, or did I detect a hint of danger too, or did he plant that in my mind? ‘Think of it as a sort of initiation,’ he went on. ‘Your reactions might surprise you.’ Something leapt inside me; an erotic spark fired by my desire to experience more than the usual venture into unknown territory.
So, I received my instructions and at the appointed time arrived at a rather ordinary looking Victorian town house. The door opened automatically when I pressed the buzzer; but no one came to get me. The only way to go was up, so that was what I did, climbing the carpeted stairs, passing locked doors, until at last an open door beckoned me in.
Warily, I entered a strangely lit, almost empty space with no visible window, the only piece of furniture an ominous padded wooden structure. Placed upon it, in stark isolation, was a single implement. I don’t know how long I waited but it seemed that my whole being was concentrated upon this simple but significant object. My head felt dizzy, my heart thundered in my ears. Did I think of running away? Certainly not! And then my man stepped into the room and my ordeal began…
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