This is a digital edition of Janus 148. AGAINST THE RULES
A year has passed since the events depicted in Janus 147 at ‘La Fontaine’ Finishing School for Young Ladies. Both Holly Higson-Burnett and Nicolette Svabo have gone on to University and now only rumours exist in the school about what actually happened on that day. Janus 148 introduces Serena Vivien Whitney – blue eyed, blonde and delightfully pretty.
Curious to discover what happened she decides to embark on a spree of rule breaking to recreate the circumstances that led to Holly and Nicolette’s comeuppance.
Sure enough, in desperation at her behaviour, the Principal arranges an appointment for Serena with Professor Paramor. She won’t have to wait much longer to discover if all those rumours are true…
We hope you enjoy seeing these unpublished images from the Janus archive. Click on the links above to download digital copies of both magazines and if you’d like to see more of Serena she appeared again in Janus 152.
File Size: 80 MB
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This is a scanned magazine to view of 4 page free sampler please click HERE