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Februs 040 Digital Edition
Februs 040 Digital Edition
Februs 040 Digital Edition
Price £4.00

This is a digital edition of Februs 40. MOLLY PANKHURST – FEBRUS 40

James Bowers, dapper in his suit, straight of back and determined in demeanor, strides in measured paces up the path of the suburban house. Molly Pankhurst seems equally composed, although her eyes often flit to her watch to check the progress of time. He knocks on the door; she opens it. He shows her the card bearing both their signatures, stating that he will call at this time and place, and she acknowledges it by stepping back and inviting him to enter. He declines her offers of refreshment or a seat and is keen to address the matter to hand immediately…

Please click on the link above to enjoy photos of Molly from this photo-shoot and the interview she gave in Februs 42 – click here to see them.

File Size: 60 MB

After you purchase the product you will be sent an email containing a link to the digital product. This will link to a zip file containing the original Cover Artwork and the magazine in PDF format.

This is a scanned magazine to view of 4 page free sampler please click HERE

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