This is a digital edition of Janus 62. SHEENA MCBRIDE
Sheena McBride appeared twice in the pages of Janus during 1987. Her first appearance in Janus 62 introduces her as being 21 years old and born and raised in Wester Ross. The tawse, we are told, was a fixture in her Highland upbringing and she received it on her bare bottom on three occasions.
She returned in Janus 66, now an employee of Roger Storing who had invited her to accompany him to the ballet for the evening. Sadly Sheena’s choice of clothing for the occasion left much to be desired and Roger decided corporal punishment was the only course of action open to him.
Sheena’s bottom was the subject of great praise in readers’ letters.Please click the link at the top to see imagesfrom the Janus archive.
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