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Janus 162 Digital Edition
Janus 162 Digital Edition
Janus 162 Digital Edition
Price £4.00

This is a digital edition of Janus 162. 

The Humbling of Harriet Jago/ Painful Protest/ Dirty Tricks/ Secret Lives/ Pact with the Devil/ Readers' Letters/ Contacts

Following the successful launch of its new look in the last issue Janus 162 features the lovely Miss Harriet Jago in a beautifully lit photostory. The glowing cane marks on Miss Jago’s bottom simply light up the darkness around her!
‘Painful Protests’ by Andrew Grantham introduces us to Dr. Thomas Woodhead, Principal of Finch Hall Girls’ Academy who has three errant young women to deal with. Anton’s artwork illustrates the task before him and the other stories in this issue.
The issue also includes a portfolio of Don Lambert’s work highlighting three of the women he has punished in previous issues. They are the very popular Tara Duncan from Janus 139, Antoinette Stephens from Janus 141 and Bettina May from Janus 149.
Pact with the Devil’ is the fourth in a series of stories by Jean Phillipe Aubourg in which Elaine and Siobhan discover an inheritance depends on a bare bottom penance (previous stories featured in Janus 153, 155 and 161).
There’s also a great interview with ‘Chloe’ about her double life and readers’ letters include nominations for the OBB and praise for Paula Meadows wonderful bottom.


File Size: 127 MB

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